1. 25 Sand bag Squat Kicks
2. 25 Side Lunges (L&R counts as 1 rep)
3. 25 Squat Jumps
4. 25 Chin ups
5. 25 Bent over rows w/ pop up every five rep’s
6. 50 Rotational Wood Chops 25 (L&R counts as one rep)
7. 25 Monkey Push Ups
8. 25 Push up /hop in and out (hop feet to hands and then back)
9. 4 Elbow to Knee /4 Opposite Knee to 4/ Elbow knee (Aligator)
10. 25 triangle ste ups (L&R counts as one rep)
11 25 Scisors
12. 25 Plank rocks (rock forward and backward count of 25)
13. 25 Sit up /Toe Touches (L&R counst as 1 rep)
14. 25 lunge to toe touch (L&R counst as 1 rep)
15. 25 Dive Bombers