Words can not adequately describe how proud of this crew I am! We had an amazing day! I saw the results of many years of training culminate with three very deserving people earn their black belts and one very talented student, her purple belt. The normal stuff applies, everyone did a great job, persevered, and came out on the other side proud of what they had accomplished. One common theme comes up as I talk to people, students and friends about the event. “Community” and that was evident yesterday and last Saturday! Everyone gave of themselves to each other. Everyone was there to support each other. At the end of the day I teach Jujitsu to people who show up for class. Each of you create a community! I am never surprised at how amazing someone performs on their test. I know what to aspect because I have seen each of you grow and improve as you train. What I am always humbled by is the community we have built and the level of support that shows up on test day! From a student that has been a CMMA for many years to a few weeks. When I started Checkmate in 2002 I had no idea I would be part building a community, bringing people together, creating friendships, and creating lifelong bonds. All of you are the ones doing the real work, I just show up and teach! The success of our students is a direct reflection of your evolvement!
I’d like to congratulate Chip, Eli, and Chris on receiving their 1st degree Black Belt. Mike Duffy for receiving his 2nd degree Black belt. Daniela for receiving her purple belt, And Allen for receiving the Ohana Award!
I’d also like to thank Mike Duffy for flying 2000 Miles to be part of this Black Belt test, like he does for every Black Belt test.
I’d like to thank Maria Tetley for all she does for this Community and her continued support with these events and the time that she devoted to putting together a great memory slide show of the journey to 1st degree.
I’d also like to thanks Lisa Ross, and Heather Brown for all the pictures that they took of the event! I can’t wait to see them all.
I also want to extend my gratitude to everyone who took time to be a part of this great event! You guys rock!
So humbled that you all have chosen Checkmate as your home! Pictures to follow!