Set timer to 12 rounds of 50 / 10 – get as many reps as possible
1) Elevated plank with feet on tire or chair & knee twist (knee in to chest, out to the side and back) – alternating legs
2) 2 x Commando push-ups (pushup, knee to chest), log roll & 10 mountain climbers
3) 1/2 Burpee & one arm upright row with sandbag– alternate arms
4) 10 x Low prisoner squat jumps & 2 wide leg star push-ups
Ab Bonus:
Set timer to 3 rounds of 50 / 10 – these are for proper form, slow and controlled.
1) Elbow To floor twist with sandbag
2) 1 x Tuck ab (v position to hug knees) & 1 superman reverse crunch (roll to prone, lift torso and legs)
3) Kickouts (v position, no hands)