Today’s Workout 3-20-2012

Set your interval timer to 12 rounds of 50 seconds work with a 10 second rest

1) 10 High knees & 10 mountain climbers

2) Squat, leg raise to left side, turn left, low lunge, oblique knee raise – left Side – using sandbag

3) 2 x Monkey push- ups & 2 x push ups & burpee tuck tump
Monkey push up= push up from downward dog ,touch head to floor

4) Squat, leg raise to right side, turn left, low lunge, oblique knee raise – right Side – using sandbag

AB and Core bonus

Set your interval timer to 3 rounds of 50 seconds work with a 10 second rest

1) Plank – move left out to left side hand , alternate with right hand and right side

2) Plank – move left out to left side leg , alternate with right leg and right side

3) Plank – opposite hand reach & opposite leg reach legs combine the two exercises above

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