Phase I – Set timer to 20 rounds of 45/10
1-SQUAT TOUCH JUMP-Begin in wide full squat touching the ground, jump up bringing feet together and arms straight up, then back down into wide squat beginning position touching the ground
2-SANDBAG CURL+PRESS-select appropriate weight but push it
3-SQUAT TOUCH JUMP-Begin in wide full squat touching the ground, jump up bringing feet together and arms straight up, then back down into wide squat beginning position touching the ground
4-DIVE BOMBER PUSHUPS- Begin in a pike or downward dog position, dip your head down toward the mat and forward ending in a low arch facing the ceiling. Reverse back to downward dog
position. Maintain body control throughout.
5-SQUAT TOUCH JUMP-Begin in wide full squat touching the ground, jump up bringing feet together and arms straight up, then back down into wide squat beginning position touching the ground
6-SINGLE ARM ROW FROM LUNGE- Begin in left lunge, row with band in right hand maintaining good lunge form. Individual sets for each side. Full body
7-SQUAT TOUCH JUMP-Begin in wide full squat touching the ground, jump up bringing feet together and arms straight up, then back down into wide squat beginning position touching the ground
8-SINGLE ARM ROW FROM LUNGE- Begin in left lunge, row with band in right hand maintaining good lunge form. Individual sets for each side. Full body
9- SQUAT TOUCH JUMP-Begin in wide full squat touching the ground, jump up bringing feet together and arms straight up, then back down into wide squat beginning position touching the ground
10-CHEST PRESS-begin or slightly inclined and use sandbag or med ball for weight
Phase II – Make sure to get outside for a run or walk.