Set timer to 20 rounds of 50/10
1.10 x High Knees & 10 x Mountain Climbers combo
2. 2 x Squat Jumps & 2 x Push-ups & 1 x Tuck Jumps
3. Plank Jacks- Center then side to side
4. 5 x Tuck Jumps & 5 x ½ Burpee to low squat and hold for 1 sec
5. One leg pushups (Left then Right)
6. Switch Lunge & Press with sand bag
7. 10 x Squat (w Sand bag) & 10 x Squat Jumps
8. Standing Knee to Elbow oblique crunch 10 x each side
9. Push up with one Plank Jack
10. Speed run in place