Set timer to 30/10 for 18 rounds, 24 if you want a full 12 minutes of workout time
1-SANDBAG SQUAT PLANK-begin with sandbag on your left, drop into plank, hop in to squat position, lift sandbag to right shoulder, squat, drop sandbag to your right, repeat alternating sides
2-GRASSHOPPERS-like mountain climbers but exaggerated with knee up next to your shoulder and foot at shoulder height
3-SITOUTS-Begin with hands on the ground in front of you, lift left hand and slide right leg under you so that your right hip nearly meets the ground. Reverse and repeat alternating sides
4-SURFER POPUPS- Drop into plank, pop up bladed into a surfer stance, repeat alternating sides
5-CRAB KICKS-begin in crab position, kick right leg up, switch to left, alternating. ONE leg only on the ground at all times.
6-STANDING OBLIQUES-Begin standing with hands behind head, bring knee up to the side to meet elbow while contracting obliques. Focus on form and concentrate on crunching obliques