Set timer to 24 rounds of 30/10
1) FAST FEET- From slightly bent over squat position, step from left foot to right foot as fast as possible. Make sure to look forward to maintain posture. 90% output
3) FAST FEET- From slightly bent squat position, step from left foot to right foot as fast as possible.Make sure to look forward to maintain posture. 90% output
4) REVERSE PULL UPS / BENT OVER ROW- Begin in bent over position and raise sandbag to chest. Maintain good posture throughout.
5) FAST FEET- From slightly bent squat position, step from left foot to right foot as fast as possible. Make sure to look forward to maintain posture. 90% output
6) SANDBAG CLEAN SQUAT PRESS- Select an appropriate weight. Keeping good form, clean the sandbag, squat with sandbag then press sandbag up.