Set timer to 12 rounds of 50/10
1) DYNAMIC LATERAL LUNGES-Step left leg out to the left with right leg beneath you in lunge position, touch the ground with left hand. Bring left leg in to lunge position beneath you while stepping right leg out touching the ground with right hand. The lunge is in the center. Switch legs keeing cardio output up- 90%
2) REPTILE PUSHUP- Like a regular pushup only bringing right knee to right elbow while moving into the down position. As you come up, bring leg down and back into plank position. alternate sides
3) LATERAL TUCK JUMPS OVER SANDBAG- Tucking legs up high, jump from side to side over your sandbag. 90% output
4) SANDBAG CURL-Bicep curls with the sandbag while maintaining good posture.
5) HIGH KNEES- Can be done with or without a jumprope. This is a cardio one, so make sure you are working at 90% output
6) MED BALL MASON TWIST- Begin in a V position, twist torso touching the ground on each side with your medicine ball (or sandbag for additional intensity). Beginners can leave feet on the ground. As long as torso is leaning back in a V position, you will still get core benefits.