Set your interval timer to 30/10 for 27 rounds-Complete each exercise 3x
•Squat & Shoulder Press with sandbag.
•Triceps Kickbacks – Stand straight with chest out, shoulders pulled back, maintain a lumbar curve in your lower back, keeping abs tight – Bend over at hips, pin upper arm to torso with bent arm and straighten arm back with weight to work triceps.
•Step Ups – Holding sandbag, stand up straight with chest out, shoulders pulled back and down, abs tight – place one foot flat on raised surface (tire or chair) and do step ups with raised leg only-do not allow the foot/leg on the ground to assist in the step up…only the foot/leg up on the chair/tire is working – alternate legs every rep.
•Lunge back / Sandbag Twist – lunge back and raise sandbag with straight arms and torso twist, alternate sides
•Bent Over Sandbag Row
•Walking Lunges with Sandbag
•Close Grip Bench Press -lay flat and press sandbag with a close grip so that triceps are responsible for most of the work.
•Upright Row into Calf Raise – Stand straight holding two sandbag in front of your body with your palms facing your thighs – feet are hip width apart – stick your chest out, bring your shoulders back and down, abs tight – Now, lead with your elbows, as you lift your arms up straight up (keep the sandbag about an inch away from your torso to reduce any shoulder shearing force)- Let the hands hang down and bring the sandbag up to chin level, focusing on letting the shoulders do all the work – make sure to keep head straight and level and avoid momentum – at the top of the movement, stand straight up on the balls of your feet and engage those calf muscles.
•Narrow Squats – Stand straight holding sandbag with feet just less that hip width apart – stick your chest out, bring your shoulders back and down, maintain a lumbar curve in your lower back, abs tight – Now stick your butt out and emulate the action of sitting back into a chair…this action will ensure that you’re sitting back versus crouching down, where the knees will pass the toes – keep your head up and level and keep the stimulation in the leg muscles.