Phase I- Warm-up – Hallway Sprints
Phase II-Set timer to 18 rounds of 50/10
1- SITOUTS-Begin with hands on the ground in front of you, lift left hand and slide right leg under you so that your right hip nearly meets the ground. Reverse and repeat alternating sides
2- STAR ABS–begin laying flat with arms and legs in star position, explode up touching opposite hand to toe, repeat-alternating sides
3- DIVE BOMBER PUSHUPS- Begin in a pike or downward dog position, dip your head down toward the mat and forward ending in a low arch facing the ceiling. Reverse back to downward dog position. Maintain body control throughout
4- TRIANGLES-Begin in ground ready position. Explosively lift legs and hips straight up, trapping right ankle under left knee. (Imagine you are applying a triangle choke). Repeat alternating
5- FLUTTER KICKS-keep it going, feet do not touch ground
6- PLANK HIP CIRCLES RIGHT-Holding a plank throughout, circle your hips in one direction. Another set for other direction. Looks funny, but more intense than it sounds)
7- CROSSOVER BURPEE-cross one leg over the other to perform a single leg pushup at the bottom of the burpee. Alternate sides
8-PLANK HIP CIRCLES LEFT-Holding a plank throughout, circle your hips in one direction. Another set for other direction. Looks funny, but more intense than it sounds)