Set timer to 20 rounds of 45/10
1- JUMP ROPE- or bounce shifting weight from foot to foot
2- SANDBAG GETUPS-begin holding a sandbag in a seated position on the ground, get ups! Alternate sides and make sure not to rock to use momentum. Make sure you begin static each time.
3- PUSHUP TO HIP DIP-Begin with a pushup, raise right arm to side plank, dip left hip, repeat alternating
4- LATERAL TUCK JUMP BURPEES- drop to plank, pop up, tuck jump, lateral jump over sandbag, tuck jump, plank, pop up, tuck jump, lateral jump over sandbag, etc…
5- MED BALL TOSS UP- Sit ups with med ball toss up at the top. Keep feet off the ground for added intensity.