Set timer to 16 rounds of 50/10. Up it to 24 rounds for those of you who want MORE!
1. 4x Oblique Crunches L then R
2. Push-up / Commando Roll / Plank Knee-to-elbow
3. 4 Tuck Abs, 4 Star Abs, 4 In & Outs & 8 Mountain Climbs
4. Jumping Jacks
Set timer to 16 rounds of 50/10. Up it to 24 rounds for those of you who want MORE!
1. 4x Oblique Crunches L then R
2. Push-up / Commando Roll / Plank Knee-to-elbow
3. 4 Tuck Abs, 4 Star Abs, 4 In & Outs & 8 Mountain Climbs
4. Jumping Jacks