Set timer to 18 rounds of 50/10
1) DIAGONAL KNEES LEFT-balanced on right leg with arms above head to the right, bring left knee up while crunching abs and arms down to meet knee. Repeat at high intensity
2) TIRE STEP UPS-step up on the tire making lead leg do the work. Alternate sides
3) DIAGONAL KNEES RIGHT-balanced on left leg with arms above head to the left, bring right knee up while crunching abs and arms down to meet knee. Repeat at high intensity
4) PENDULUM LEGS-lay on your back with legs locked straight towards the ceiling, drop legs from side to side. Maintain full body control throughout with shoulders flat.
5) SQUARE JUMP-with good squat form, jump forward, to the right, back, to the left. Repeat
6) ALTERNATING SANDBAG CROSS SWING-Begin with feet square, holding sandbag with two hands. Pivot right turning left hip with left heel up swinging sandbag across your body up and to the right. Repeat alternating