Set timer to 12 rounds of 40/20, jumping jacks during 20 second period between each drill. Jumping jacks are the rest. Push yourself, both with weight level and output!
1-FLUTTER KICKS-keep it going, feet do not touch ground
(jumping jacks)
2-STANDARD BURPEES-no stopping-90% output
(jumping jacks)
3-RAPID PLYO PUSHUPS- try to come off the ground with both hands. If unable to do this, at least make sure you are keeping good speed. As many reps as possible
(jumping jacks)
4-TUCK ABS-begin in tuck position, spread out to wide V position, back to tuck. Body off the floor the whole time
(jumping jacks)
5-BRONCOS- hands on ground, kick feet high from side to side over sandbag. Cardio-as many reps as possible
(jumping jacks)
6-UPRIGHT ROW-holding sandbag in center with both hands, bring up to chest height. As many reps as possible
(jumping jacks)