Set timer to 24 rounds of 30/10
1-HIGH KNEES-cardio..hopping from one foot to the next. Bring those knees high. 90% output
2-SANDBAG OVERHEAD LUNGE-keep good form and balance while lunging with sandbag overhead
3-FAST FEET- From slightly bent over squat position, step from left foot to right foot as fast as possible. Make sure to look forward to maintain posture. 90% output
4-SUMO DEAD LIFT-begin in sumo squat position (wide stance) with sandbag or weight on the ground, as you stand, bring sandbag up chest height, return to ground with sumo squat
5-HIGH KNEES-cardio..hopping from one foot to the next. Bring those knees high. 90% output
6-CRAB TOE TOUCH- begin in crab position and raise left leg, touch left foot with right hand, repeat alternating. Don’t fall over!
7-FAST FEET- From slightly bent over squat position, step from left foot to right foot as fast as possible. Make sure to look forward to maintain posture. 90% output
8-SQUAT JUMP BURPEE-one jumping squat forward, drop into burpee, pop up into squat position, repeat
9-HIGH KNEES-cardio..hopping from one foot to the next. Bring those knees high. 90% output
10-OVERHEAD MED BALL KICKOUTS-begin in a reclined V position holding med ball overhead, bring knees to chest and kick straight out, feet don’t touch the ground.
11-FAST FEET- From slightly bent over squat position, step from left foot to right foot as fast as possible. Make sure to look forward to maintain posture. 90% output
12-SCORPION PUSHUPS- pushups with one leg raised high in an arc, alternate sides