Today’s Workout 4-12-2012

12 rounds of 50 / 10

1) Sandbag oblique knee touch / push up–(Hold sandbag overhead, bring right knee up and right elbow down repeat on other side, drop and do one push up)

2) Plyo Push Up–(wide and narrow)

3) Sandbag oblique knee touch / push up–(Hold sandbag overhead, bring right knee up and right elbow down repeat on other side, drop and do one push up)

4) One Leg Bridge raise -Left leg

5) Sandbag oblique knee touch / push up–(Hold sandbag overhead, bring right knee up and right elbow down repeat on other side, drop and do one push up)

6) One Leg Bridge raise Right leg

Ab bonus

50 / 10 for 3 rounds

·Side Oblique lift – Left Side
·Star Sit ups
·Side Olique Lift – Right Side

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