Today’s Workout 3-15-2012

Phase1: Set your interval timer for 12 Rounds of 50/10. You will complete the following exercises 3 x through.

1) Press-up + Burpee + Tuck Jump x2 & 10 x Straight Punches (use bag if avail)
2) Press-up + Burpee + Tuck Jump x2 & 10 x Hook Punches (use bag if avail)
3) Press-up + Burpee + Tuck Jump x2 & 2 x Straight Punches + 2 x Hook Punches (use bag if avail)
4) Toe touch abs, reach torso high toward ceiling

Phase 2: Set your interval timer for 3 Minutes and complete as many reps of the following exercise as you possibly can.

1) 2 x Switch Lunge & 1 x Prisoner Squat Jump (Stay Low)

For Checkmate Spartans add the following track workout:

Warm up: jog 800 meters (two track laps)

Main Set
Run 1 mile (time yourself, aim for your desired race pace)
Run 4×100 meter sprints (rest 30 seconds in between)
Run 6×40’s – rest 20 seconds in between

Run bleachers if available (or stairs). Be careful, but great way to build strength.

Cool down: 10 minute jog

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