Set your interval timer to 50/10 and 12 rounds
1) Sandbag Shoulder Lift & Drop (L & R Shoulder)
o Stand over the sandbag, squat down pick it up, stand back up while bringing the sand bag to your shoulder. Repeat for other shoulder
2) 1 Leg Push-up’s/half burpee & jump over the Sandbag
o Do a one leg push up next to your sandbag, half burpee to low squat position, jump over sandbag from low squat position, repeat opposite side
3) 10 High Knees & 10 Mountain Climbers – using Sandbag or Med Ball
o Hold sandbag across chest for high knees then drop sandbag and do high knees while supporting yourself on the bag
4) Tuck Knees & Explosive Star Jump
o Bend over hug knees, and jump up extending legs and arms out from your body at about 45 degrees
Ab Bonus:
Set your interval timer to 50/10 and 3 rounds- do as many reps as you can during the 50 sec work interval while maintaining good form
1) Star Abs – Alternate L & R arms & legs.
o Lay on your back (starfish fashion) and try to touch your left foot with your right hand.. repeat opposite side
2) Left Oblique Plank & Side Drop
o Side plank position, drop left hip to ground and raise back up
3) Right Oblique Plank & side Drop
o Side plank positon, drop right hip to ground and raise back up