Set your interval timer to 12 rounds of 10/50 and complete the following 4 exercises 3 times.
1 Leg Push-Ups/ half burpee and side jump (alternate)
2 Burpee/ three side steps (alternate left and right side steps)
3 Squat/overhead chop (squat with Med ball touch ground with it stand and raise straight armed overhead to left shoulder and repeat on right side)
4 Plank Jacks
Set your interval timer to 12 rounds of 10/50 and complete the following 4 exercises 3 times through.
1 Elevated (feet) Push Up’s
2 Elevated Star or Diamond Push Up
3 Explosive Push Ups using med ball (one hand on med ball, one hand on ground -push up switch to other hand)
4 Triceps Alternating Lunges using sand bag (lunge and do overhead triceps press with each lunge)