Keep updated on facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and watch the auction here at 32auctions!
Introducing our 2nd annual New England Train-a-Thon benefit! If you attended last year, you know what an awesome event it was and how much fun we all had. If not, you are highly encouraged to attend or participate this year, you won’t regret it! Even if you cannot attend, we will be having another online auction with some surprising items from some generous donors! This year’s benefit will be for Special Olympics from Friday November 7th at 5 pm to Saturday November 8th at 5pm. Athletes for athletes!
Training sessions and seminars will led by New England’s leading Masters featuring styles including Small Circle Jujitsu, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, Judo, Muay Thai, Tae Kwon Do, Kenpo, Arnis, Aikido, Boxing, and Capoeira! Training will be held around the clock for a full 24 hours!
Spread the word about this special event for a worthy cause… Seminars are open to everyone, so feel free to bring friends.
* Donation to participate in the training: $40 (at the door)
* Donation to watch: $10 (at the door)
* Donation for Sponsors: $200
100% of Proceeds go to Special Olympics