Checkmate Martial Arts is proud to present Shihan Todd Labrie for 2 full days of training in Contact Weapons of Eskrima, Martial Art of the Phillippines!!!
Join us for this dynamic experience as we explore angulation, timing, strikes, blocks, disarms and finishing techniques. The modular approach allows maximum improvement with minimum effort. Whatever your level of play, this is guaranteed to be a fun and informative event.
1 day – $50
2 days – $75
Shihan Todd Labrie
Shihan Labrie has been practicing martial arts since 1977, and was recently recognized as a 7th degree black belt holding a Kyoshi (teaching grade). His 3+ decades of experience includes many styles that use both forms and fighting, which gives a holistic perspective to martial art practice. The practice of striking, grappling, and weapons fighting has taught him an extremely broad range of techniques that have been woven into a comprehensive curriculum that teaches principles and concepts from every known genre of martial study. Shihan Labrie has studies many styles including Shotokan Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Boxing, Ken Ju Ryu Kempo-Jujitsu, Zen Budo Ryu Jujitsu, Danzan Ryu Jujitsu, Nihon Jujitsu, Judo, Yoshinkan Aikido, Modern Arnix, Inosanto Method Kali, Inayan Serrada Eskrima, Inayan Sinawali Eskrima, Inayan Kadena De Mano, Inayan Decuerdas Escrima and Inayan Larga Mano Eskrima.
Spanning 35 years, Shihan Labrie’s experience has culminated in what is now called Kitsune Ryu Bujitsu, or “Fox Style of Fighting Arts.” Shihan Labrie possesses a unique ability to explain complex ideas in the simplest way possible so that student progress reaches exponential rates. In addition to being a master of several styles of martial art, he is a gifted and dedicated instructor of adults and youth alike, with great success among special needs students. Shihan specializes in teaching High Functioning Autistic and Aspergers candidates, using a simple and direct approach that is unparallelled in the martial arts community.
Shihan Labrie has also created paramilitary programs for use in specific applications/scenarios under the acronym H.A.N.D.S (Heightened Application Neuromusuclar Defense System). These programs are intense studies into “contact weapons” (impact and edged weapons including bats, clubs, knives, machetes), used to quickly prepare soldiers and civilians for possible encounters.