Today’s Workout 2-22-2012

Todays work out is 50sec work 20 sec rest for 12 rounds….. but your rest period is running in place!

• Keg Squat w/sandbag
–With the sand bag between your legs Squatting down, pick up and place it on your left shoulder. Do a full squat, drop the bag, jump as high as you can land softly and do 3 plyo squats. Repeat on the other side

• Running in place

• Half jacks w/sandbag
–Squat down in almost seated position hold sandbag close to your body. Jump out and back

• Running in place

• High knees / Mt Climbers w/ sandbag 10/10

• Running in place

• Seated V position rotational Abs
–Sit in a V posture with legs and torso off the ground, hold sand bag and rotate side to side touching the ground with the sandbag

• Running in Place

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